WEBINAR: ACE Project Grants
6th Sep 2020
Thinking of applying to Arts Council England’s Project Grant Scheme?
Join us on Thursday 17th September at 10am for a discussion-based, practical session on how to apply to Arts Council England’s Project Grants scheme as an individual visual artist or maker, and to find out more about the recent changes to ACE project funding.
This is an online Q&A with members of Arts Council England’s Visual Arts team: for visual artists and makers in the South East.
Arts Council England’s National Lottery Project Grant scheme reopened this summer with an increased budget and simpler criteria to make the fund more responsive to the needs of smaller independent organisations and individual practitioners during Covid-19.
Join CVAN South East, together with Helen McAleer and John McPherson, Relationship Managers, Arts Council England (Visual Arts, South East), for an online session on applying to Arts Council England’s Project Grants scheme as an individual artist or practitioner.
The session is designed for artists/makers who are applying to the under £15,000 Project Grants fund, particularly those applying for the first time or who are yet to have a successful application. It is ideal for artists who are in the process of writing an application or have an idea for a project they want to apply for.
This event will take place on Zoom and is free to attend, you can get your tickets on Eventbrite here.