Artsmark Support
The Artswork team are proud to support you on your Artsmark journey as you continue to carry out valuable work protecting and enhancing creative and cultural practice in your education setting.
“We have 4 ‘Gold Artsmark’ Awards under the previous award system and are keen to achieve Platinum. The Development Day was very focused; both enjoyable and informative, and I now feel I have a much clearer view of the process. I am looking forward to getting underway with our Statement of Commitment once we have shared our findings with the staff. It’s reassuring to know that once that is submitted there is a support network in place to guide us through the case study aspect.”
– Deirdre Carolin, Arts Co-ordinator, Georgian Gardens C.P. School
As an Artsmark setting in the South East, your application fee ensures that your school or educational setting has access to:
- An Artsmark Development Day – this is a required training day for two members of school staff, one of whom must be a member of your Senior Leadership Team.
- A onetime review of, and written feedback on, your draft Statement of Commitment by a member of the Artswork team before submission to Arts Council England.
- Subsidised places on selected Artsplan CPD training courses. Please contact us for further details.
- Access to the Connecting With Culture website – a great way for your school to connect with arts and cultural organisations in the South East
- A telephone support session from one of our expert trainers, to give you feedback and advice on your final Case Study, before you submit it to ACE for levelling. Please note we have a limited number of slots available that must be booked in advance, and all schools will need to submit their draft Case Study to Artswork AT LEAST two weeks before the support session date (the support session shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes). *The booking link for upcoming sessions can be found below.
- Exclusive offers for Artsmark schools from a range of arts and cultural organisations in the South East. To find out more click here.
*Small settings with 100 pupils or less qualify for a reduced application fee of £250. If you are unsure as to whether you qualify for this, please contact us.
You can choose to engage with as many support functions as you want, as your school progresses through its Artsmark journey.
Please bookmark this page for future updates.
Useful resources available to download below: